Madrid is the 3rd most popular city in Europe.

10 most popular cities in Europe

This curated list presents the 10 most popular cities in Europe, showcasing the true diversity of the continent beyond the usual suspects of London and Paris. Hailing from a range of countries, this collection features three impressive German cities, along with two each from Spain, Italy, and England, as well as one from France. It is fascinating to see Germany’s dominance in the selection, further emphasizing its pivotal role in shaping modern Europe.

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Los Angeles is the 3rd most popular city in America.

10 most popular cities in America

The 10 most popular cities in America comprise a truly diverse array of exciting destinations, showcasing the many vibrant cultures and thriving communities that make up this great nation. While iconic cities such as New York and Los Angeles are certainly well-represented, this list also features lesser-known but equally compelling cities from across the USA, as well as from Canada and Brazil.

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Riyan Parag will be paid 3.8 crore rupees, which is approximately $700k for playing in IPL 2023.

2 Northeast players in IPL 2023

The Indian Premier League (IPL) has long been a platform for talented cricketers from across the country, and this year, the Northeast region has also made its mark with two players making it to the IPL teams’ squad. These players, hailing from two different states in the Northeast, have been offered impressive contracts, with some being paid a staggering 1.9cr/$350k, while others have been offered an even more impressive sum of 3.8cr/$700k for playing in this year’s IPL.

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